Abstinensrater efter adfærdsmæssige behandlinger for marihuanaafhængighed

TitelAbstinensrater efter adfærdsmæssige behandlinger for marihuanaafhængighed
ForfattereKadden, RM, Litt, MD, Kabela-Cormier, E, Petry, NM
tidsskriftVanedannende adfærd
ForlæggerElsevier Science
Sted UdgivetHolland
ISBN nummer0306-4603
nøgleordabstinence rates, behavioral treatments, kognitiv adfærdsterapi, Kognitiv adfærdsterapi, Beredskabsstyring, Narkotikaafholdenhed, Narkotikaafhængighed, Marijuana, marihuana afhængighed, Motivation, motivationsfremmende terapi, Behandlingsresultater

Previous studies have noted particular difficulty in achieving abstinence among those who are marijuana dependent. The present study employed a dismantling design to determine whether adding contingency management (ContM) to motivational enhancement therapy plus cognitive behavioral therapy (MET + CBT), an intervention used in prior studies of treatment for marijuana dependence, would enhance abstinence outcomes. 240 marijuana dependent participants were recruited via advertisements and assigned to either MET + CBT, ContM-only, MET + CBT + ContM, or to a case-management control condition. All interventions involved 9 weekly 1-h sessions, except for the ContM-only condition whose sessions lasted about 15 min. ContM provided reinforcement for marijuana-free urine specimens, in the form of vouchers redeemable for goods or services. Follow-up data were collected at posttreatment and at 3-month intervals for 1 year. The two ContM conditions had superior abstinence outcomes: ContM-only had the highest abstinence rates at posttreatment, and the MET + CBT + ContM combination had the highest rates at later follow-ups. The roles of contingency management and coping skills training in the treatment of marijuana dependence are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) (journal abstract)

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