Vurdering og håndtering af spiseforstyrrede patienter, der overmotionerer: En fireårig opfølgning af seks enkelt casestudier

TitelVurdering og håndtering af spiseforstyrrede patienter, der overmotionerer: En fireårig opfølgning af seks enkelt casestudier
ForfattereLang, CG, Hollin, CR
tidsskriftJournal of Mental Health
ISBN nummer0963-8237
nøgleordungdomsårene, Voksen, CASE studies, Beskrivende statistik, Eating Disorders -- Therapy, Dyrke motion, Kvinde, Human, Indlagte patienter, interviews, Mand, Ambulante patienter, Fremtidsstudier, spørgeskemaer, Forskningsinstrumenter, Behandlingsfejl, Behandlingsresultater

The relationship between excessive exercise and eating disorder, both in terms of aetiology and maintenance, has been widely discussed in the extant literature but there are no treatment guidelines. The utility of a specific cognitive-behavioural treatment that included exposure with response prevention, targeted at excessive exercise, was examined in six patients with anorexia nervosa. The pooled outcome data, including four-year follow-up data, from a series of single case studies is presented. The findings suggest that the treatment programme was successful in some cases. A comparison of satisfactory and poor outcome cases indicates a need to evaluate this adjunctive treatment with a larger (controlled) patient sample to assess more accurately its potential additional (relapse prevention) benefit.

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