Barrierer og facilitatorer for at overføre forskning til praksis: Et eksplorativt casestudie af motiverende samtale

TitelBarrierer og facilitatorer for at overføre forskning til praksis: Et eksplorativt casestudie af motiverende samtale
ForfattereBerger, LK, Otto-Salaj, LL, Stoffel, VC, Hernandez-Meier, J, Gromoske, AN
tidsskriftJournal of Social Work Practice i Addictions
ForlæggerTaylor & Francis
Sted UdgivetStorbritannien
ISBN nummer1533-256X1533-2578
Adgangsnummer2009-07545-001. First Author & Affiliation: Berger, Lisa K.
nøgleordsagsbehandlere, rådgivere, innovation, motiverende interview

Based on Simpson’s program change model, this study explored personal and organizational barriers and facilitators of transferring a research-based innovation, motivational interviewing (MI), into the practices of county-employed case managers and counselors. A mixed-method perspective was employed whereby practitioner and consumer data were gathered via focus groups, and additional practitioner data were collected by means of a 2-wave panel survey. Practitioner focus group data revealed several perceived organizational barriers related to the resource of time, whereas the consumer focus group data uncovered the potential need for practitioners to adopt a research-based technology such as MI. Correlational analyses of practitioner survey data found that the organizational resource of adequate computer equipment and the staff attributes of professional growth, efficacy, and job satisfaction facilitated intention to adopt and implement MI. Implications for human services administrators and MI trainers are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) (journal abstract)

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