Håndtering af stofmisbrug, misbrug og afhængighed

TitelHåndtering af stofmisbrug, misbrug og afhængighed
ForfattereBotelho, RJ, Novak, S
tidsskriftPrimary Care
Dato offentliggjortMar
ISBN nummer0095-4543 (Udskriv)0095-4543 (Linking)
nøgleord*Psykotrope stoffer, *Gadestoffer, Alkoholisme/forebyggelse & kontrol/psykologi/*rehabilitering, kontrol/psykologi/*rehabilitering, Familie praksis, Mennesker, Patientuddannelse som emne, Stof-relaterede lidelser/forebyggelse &

Using this model, clinicians can enhance skills for screening, assessing, and aiding at-risk and problem drinkers. The six-step model incorporates the transtheoretic model of behavior change and uses motivational interviewing strategies and the concept of brief, early interventions. Primary care physicians can apply this model for patients in their offices and in hospital settings where they provide continuity of care. Furthermore, physicians can also use this model to intervene successfully at both the secondary and tertiary levels of prevention. In essence, this model uses a variety of strategies to aid at-risk and problem drinkers. These strategies can help patients and families overcome their ignorance about the role that alcohol plays in their lives and to motivate them toward a healthier lifestyle. Physicians can select strategies that range from simple advice to motivational counseling. Depending on the presenting problems and the likelihood and severity of an alcohol problem, the physician can select strategies described in this model to develop an individualized approach to motivate at-risk and problem drinkers to move through the phases of behavioral change: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance. Such an approach can help patients take responsibility for changing their drinking habits.

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