Dæmon rom: Højteknologiske løsninger på et ældgammelt problem

TitelDæmon rom: Højteknologiske løsninger på et ældgammelt problem
ForfattereWalters, ST, Hester, RK, Chiauzzi, E, Miller, E
tidsskriftAlkoholisme: Clinical and Experimental Research
Dato offentliggjortfebruar
ISBN nummer0145-6008 (Udskriv)0145-6008 (Linking)
nøgleord*Alkoholiske drikkevarer, Alkoholdrikning/*forebyggelse og kontrol, Biomedicinsk teknologi/metoder/*trends, Mennesker, Internet/*trends

This article summarizes the proceedings of a symposium at the 2004 Research Society on Alcoholism Meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, organized and chaired by Scott T. Walters. The purpose of the symposium was to describe several brief motivational interventions offered via the Internet, including the evidence for web-based interventions, applications and contexts in which such approaches are being used, and directions for future research. Walters provided an overview and introduction to the topic and discussed the e-CHUG (www.e-chug.com) and e-TOKE (www.e-toke.com) feedback interventions for college alcohol and marijuana prevention, including the contexts in which they are being used and ways they are being integrated with other campus prevention efforts. Dr. Hester presented 12-month results from a controlled trial of the Drinker's Check-up (www.drinkerscheckup.com), an intervention for adult problem drinkers that is available both as a Windows and as an Internet application. Dr. Chiauzzi described the development and testing of My Student Body (www.mystudentbody.com), a tailored drinking prevention web site for college students. Finally, Dr. Miller addressed the use of online assessment and feedback to reduce drinking, including the history of web-based interventions and their likely future and the potential limitations of such approaches.

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