Design af en sygeplejerskedrevet, telefonbaseret intervention for at forbedre lipider hos diabetikere

TitelDesign af en sygeplejerskedrevet, telefonbaseret intervention for at forbedre lipider hos diabetikere
ForfattereFischer, H, Mackenzie, T, McCullen, K, Everhart, R, Estacio, RO
tidsskriftModerne kliniske forsøg
ISBN nummer15517144

This randomized, controlled trial tested the effectiveness of a nurse-run, telephone-based intervention to improve lipid control in patients with diabetes. Our patient population is predominantly low-income and Latino. Using our diabetes registry, we randomly assigned 381 patients to continue with their usual care and 381 to participate in our nurse-run program. Three registered nurses learned algorithms for diabetes care. These algorithms address management of lipids, glycemic control, blood pressure, nephropathy, aspirin use, eye screening, pneumovax and influenza vaccines, obesity, and cigarette smoking. The nurses were also trained in motivational interviewing techniques and facilitation of patient self-management. The primary goal was to improve lipid control in our diabetic population. Secondary outcomes address blood pressure control, glycemic control, renal function, and medication adherence. In addition, a cost-effective analysis is being performed. This article summarizes the design of the intervention.

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