Diætintervention for at sænke serumkolesterol

TitelDiætintervention for at sænke serumkolesterol
ForfattereClifton, P, Colquhoun, D, Hewat, C, Jones, P, Litt, J, Noakes, M, O'Brien, R, Shrapnel, B, Skeaff, M
tidsskriftaustralsk familielæge
Dato offentliggjortjuni
ISBN nummer0300-8495 (Udskriv)0300-8495 (Linking)
nøgleordHjerte-kar-sygdomme/forebyggelse og kontrol, Cholesterol, LDL/*blood, Rådgivning, Familie praksis, Mennesker, Hypercholesterolemia/*diet therapy

BACKGROUND: Dietary intervention to lower serum LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) is effective, yet underutilised in general practice. OBJECTIVE: This report summarises the findings of an expert roundtable convened to review the evidence relating to dietary interventions to lower serum LDL-C. DISCUSSION: Interventions that lower LDL-C lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. Comprehensive dietary intervention is indicated in all patients with an absolute 5 year risk for coronary disease of 10% or greater. Short term trials indicate that these interventions have the potential to lower LDL-C by approximately 20%. A year long trial has shown mean LDL-C lowering of 13%, with about one-third of subjects achieving a reduction greater than 20%, highlighting the importance of adherence to dietary advice. The most effective dietary strategies are replacing saturated and trans fatty acids with poly- and monounsaturated fats and increasing intake of plant sterols. Losing weight and increasing soluble fibre and soy protein intake can also lower serum cholesterol and may be considered when recommending a nutritionally balanced, cholesterol lowering diet. Motivational interviewing by general practitioners can improve the effectiveness of brief, behaviour orientated advice and dietary counselling to lower serum cholesterol.

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