Den LORS-aktiverede dialog: Forbedring af indsigt i psykotiske sygdomme

TitelDen LORS-aktiverede dialog: Forbedring af indsigt i psykotiske sygdomme
ForfattereSousa, S
tidsskriftJournal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services
Dato offentliggjortfebruar
ISBN nummer0279-3695 (Udskriv)0279-3695 (Linking)
nøgleord*Psykotiske lidelser/forebyggelse & kontrol/psykologi, *Selvvurdering (psykologi), *Sværhedsgrad af sygdomsindeks, Sundhedspersonalets holdning, Awareness, Kommunikation, Direktiv Rådgivning/metoder, Mål, Hjælpende adfærd, Mennesker, Interview, Psykologisk/metoder, Hukommelse, Motivation, Sygeplejerskens rolle/psykologi, Sygeplejerske-patient relationer, Nursing Assessment/*methods, Patient Care Planning, Patientuddannelse som emne/metoder, Patient Participation/*methods/psychology, Psychiatric Nursing/*methods, Recovery of Function, Selvpleje/metoder/psykologi, Social støtte

Patients often underestimate the degree of their psychiatric illness and consequently have difficulty effectively participating in interventions to optimize recovery. This problem of insight may be connected with neurological difficulties resulting in poor explicit memory; however, most interventions nurses use to help patients improve their understanding of illness rely on explicit memory. The discrepancy between clinician and patient scores on the Levels of Recovery from Psychotic Disorders Scale (LORS) has been correlated with measures of insight and psychopathology. This difference can be used in a therapeutic dialogue, the LORS-Enabled Dialogue (LED). This intervention engages patients' implicit memory, asking a series of open-ended questions and using motivational interviewing to help promote patients' attainment of life goals. Large-scale studies of this intervention are currently underway and should help better define questions about the effectiveness of the LED.

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