Videovurderingen af ​​simulerede møder (VASE): Udvikling og validering af en gruppeadministreret metode til evaluering af klinikeres færdigheder i motiverende samtaler

TitelVideovurderingen af ​​simulerede møder (VASE): Udvikling og validering af en gruppeadministreret metode til evaluering af klinikeres færdigheder i motiverende samtaler
ForfattereRosengren, DB, Baer, ​​JS, Hartzler, B, Dunn, CW, Wells, EA
tidsskriftNarkotika og alkohol afhængighed
Dato offentliggjortseptember 1
ISBN nummer0376-8716 (Udskriv)0376-8716 (Linking)
nøgleord*Motivering, *Patientsimulering, Voksen, Klinisk kompetence/standarder, Pædagogisk måling/*metoder, Evalueringsstudier som emne, Faktoranalyse, Statistisk, Kvinde, Gruppeprocesser, Mennesker, Interview, Psykologiske/*standarder, Mand, Faglig kompetence/*standarder, psykometri, spørgeskemaer, Reproducerbarhed af resultater, Stof-relaterede lidelser/diagnose/psykologi, Undervisning/*statistik & numeriske data, Videobåndoptagelse/*metoder

The authors developed and evaluated a group-administered method for measuring motivational interviewing (MI) skills. The video assessment of simulated encounters (VASE) consists of three videotaped vignettes of actors playing substance abusers. Each vignette is followed by eight questions asking examinees to generate written responses consistent with MI principles. Twenty-two clinicians completed the VASE questionnaire and two other measures of MI skill: a paper-and-pencil measure that elicited responses to written scenarios and an audiotaped interaction with a standardized patient (SP), subsequently scored for MI skill by independent tape raters. Psychometric analyses of this original VASE scale evaluated: (1) scoring reliability of the 24 VASE items; (2) internal reliability of the VASE full-scale score, seven subscale scores and the three vignettes; and (3) concurrent validity with aforementioned indices of MI skill. Analyses informed the removal of two subscales, redesign of a third and revisions to a fourth. The resulting 18-item VASE-R scale retains its three-vignette format, and assesses overall MI skill as well as the following five MI "microskills": reflective listening, responding to resistance, summarizing, eliciting change talk and developing discrepancy. The VASE-R requires further analysis to evaluate these revisions, but shows promise as a cost-effective alternative for use in MI skill assessment in a variety of training and research contexts.

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